The Northeast Ohio Airgunners are proud to announce the Burning River 120 Grand Prix Field Target match. The Burning River 120 will take place September 20-22, 2019 and will include a 120 shot rifle match and a 40 shot pistol match at our club in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Both the rifle and pistol matches will be run in accordance with current AAFTA rules and will count towards the 2019 Grand Prix. You can find full details at the link below. We look forward to a weekend of FT enjoyment and hope that you can join us
see Burning River 120 event page
Also, our schedule for this season is as follows:
Match Schedule 2019
May 5 (rescheduled) regular FT match at Twin Oaks
May 19 regular FT match at Twin Oaks
June 2 regular FT match at Twin Oaks
July 21 regular FT match at Twin Oaks
August 4 regular FT match at Twin Oaks
August 22-25 Pyramyd Air Cup
September 20-22 Burning River 120 Grand Prix
October 20 regular FT match at Twin Oak (Buckeye Field Target Series)