The Northeast Ohio Airgunners (N.O.A.) will be holding its second field target match of the 2018 season next Sunday, June 17, 2018, at Twin Oaks Air Rifle Range in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. The current weather forecast for now calls for partly cloudy skies and a high of 80 F.
Please be aware that this is private property and we are graciously being offered the use of the land by the property owner so be respectful and considerate. We will be providing various signs throughout the property as well as on Bell Street to help direct you to the range and parking areas.
With some rain in the early week forecast, we will have the potential for some standing water on the course trail. Hopefully the conditions will be better than our last match. Please plan on appropriate clothing and footwear. We will do a course assessment later in the week and send out an email detailing what we find.
Be extremely careful walking the course trail. There may still be exposed tree stumps and roots left from our initial course clearing. If you find a hazard let us know and we will mark it and clear it at our next maintenance day.
This match is being held on Father’s Day, and in doing so we are offering a special event. Everyone that brings a new shooter who has never shot with us before will be given a free raffle ticket (one raffle ticket/new shooter). Also, all new shooters will receive a free raffle ticket. We will be raffling off two items. The first is a Crosman 2240 pistol graciously donated to our club by Dennis Baker of Baker Airguns in Mount Victory, Ohio. The second is a $50 Pyramyd Air gift certificate. Additional tickets will be for sale so bring some extra cash. The proceeds will go to our club fund for improvements. The raffles will be held at the end of our lunch and awards ceremony
The day’s agenda will be:
1. Sight-in range opens at 8 am.
2. Registration from 8 till 9:30 am.
3. Shooters meeting at 10 am.
4. Match starts at 10:30 am.
5. N.O.A. provided lunch and awards ceremony at the conclusion of the match.
6. Father’s Day Raffle
Please let me know if you plan to attend if you haven’t already done so.
We will include our Novice and Junior classes. The idea of these classes is to provide an airgun shooting opportunity for inexperienced shooters. Some of you, probably all of you, have family members or friends that might like to join you on the course, but they are not really up to the full blown FT challenge. Well, here’s the answer, they can join you and shoot the course in the Novice or Junior class.
Our Novice and Junior classes use the same simple modified rules. Rather than shoot the regular course which includes a near target and farther target, the Novice and Junior classes will shoot only the near target. All four shots will be taken at this target and the scoring is the same as that used on the regular course: one point for a knock down and zero points for a face hit. Novice and Junior classes will not distinguish between power plants, whether it be PCP, Piston, C02, or single or multi-stroke pneumatic. Junior class is any shooter under the age of 18 and Novice is for those 18 years and older. We will however only be providing awards for Juniors, assuming two or more Juniors are shooting the match. We do ask that if you shoot Novice class twice, the next match you shoot, please move into one of the other regular classes where you will shoot both the near target and the far target. Of course, if a junior or new shooter would rather shoot the normal course in one of the regular classes that is always welcomed.
All shooters under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. If the parent or guardian is not going to shoot the match, they still need to supervise the minor at each lane on the field target course for the entire match. One parent or legal guardian may accompany up to two minors.
Come and join us, bring a friend, and please send us an email through our website or to me at the email address shown below to let us know you’re coming. You can visit our website for directions to the range and other information:
Please note that Google Maps or Siri will take you to the wrong destination if you use the actual physical address of 9911 Shadow Wood Circle, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023 for directions. Access is off of Lucky Bell Lane NOT Wake Robbin Drive. Please visit our website for written directions and look for our N.O.A. sign on Bell Street on match day.