This past weekend three OAFTSA shooters knocked it out of the park at this year’s Nationals in Mattawan, Michigan! Hats off to Bill Rabbitt and Dan and Natalie Putz. After all the hits were tabulated following 2 days of shooting in picture perfect weather, Bill Rabbitt was at the top of the list in Hunter PCP, Dan Putz captured top honors in Hunter Piston, and Natalie Putz won 1st Place for Juniors. Also, Tyler Patner did some extraordinary shooting in Pistol FT on Friday. Tyler shot the overall high score for Pistol ending in a tie with Riz Marquez with 37/40. Riz won the shoot-off this time giving Tyler 2nd place in open – quite a performance for a guy shooting a borrowed pistol! Congratulations to our three National Champions, to Tyler, and to all those who participated! Below are a few pictures of our Champions. Come and congratulate the Champs in person at our final match of the season at Crooked Creek Conservation Club. The match is scheduled for Sunday, October 23, 2016. I suspect our Champions will be there.
click here for Tyler's Match Report Rifle Scores Pistol Scores